Monday, October 11, 2010

Zoom Quilt

There’s this thing I saw a long time ago called the Zoom Quilt, and basically it combines different illustrations of different artist and makes it an infinite zoom of them. It’s interactive by letting viewers on the web adjust the speed of the zoom. The quilt is collaboration like most quilts because each zoom leads to a different artwork by a different artist. Even though the artworks are from different artist they flow together in the zoom almost like it is one artist. The work as a whole reminds of stone soup by having different artist work together to make this quilt flow. Although it’s from the artist’s creativity, not surroundings, it is still an example of the power artist have as a group.

The illustrations are mostly abstract and random images, but really overwhelm the observer with thought. They are very colorful and full of different characters that do awkward actions. Also some M.C. Escher can be identified in the art as people walk on loopy staircases. If attention is taken to look at the illustrations, they hold mass detail and texture that immerses the observer into a world. As technology continues to grow we can see that more artists will use it to not only make object of use but objects of design. This art goes beyond the frame and interacts to develop a heavier bond with its audience. Soon even digital art will be replaced by interactive art similar to how digital art has replaced traditional art. Designs like these really invent new ways how we can present our work.

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